Part 42: The Elder Updates XLI - Hope you like books
Hope you like books
So, the main quest has ordained that we go see Baurus about the Mythic Dawn. First, though, we're gonna do a spot of enchanting. Carrying capacity's always nice!

After that, I steeled myself for the long grueling journey to the Imperial City.

Nah I'm just yankin' your chain, I took the teleporter.

Khajiit has important business to attend to. But first...

Now, to the Elven Gardens district.

Now I wait.


He disappeared into here.

Hang on, Baurus!

"Mythic Dawn", huh? Let's have a look.

It...tingles a little.

Looks like a bunch of cult nonsense. ...hang on. G-R-E-E




...Green Emperor? Something to do with Green Emperor Way?

I just want to point out that Baurus prounces it dee-uh-dric. It's a little infuriating.

I'd just like to take this opportunity to point out that we got a little pop-up dialog telling us to show Baurus the book, and he had nothing to say about it other than that. Pretty sloppy, game.
Oblivion's Not That Bad Points: (-13 +

So we shuttle ourselves off to the Arcane University where we learn that, shockingly, we can find out about the Mythic Dawn by reading their books carefully, and we're generally sent running around finding the other three books. We get volumes two and three from Tar-Meena, but the fourth one,'ll see.

On a happier note, Raminus Polus informs us that we can kick off more Mages Guild questing by getting a staff made. We'll get to that sooner or later.

Turns out the guy who had the third book received an invitation to the Mythic Dawn.

Yes, that's right. A sewer level.

They didn't even put in anything stronger than rats and mudcrabs, so it's just a glorified stroll.

I'd love to tell you what dialog went down here...

...but I was immediately detected by the Mythic Dawn guy because this was in fact a really shitty vantage point to watch from.

Easily dealt with, though.

Oh hey, small fortune. Thanks, RNG!

Ooh. Shiny.

Oh, and he had the book as well.

The final message is "Green Emperor Way where tower touches midday sun", and the game expects you to puzzle out what that means. It was vague enough that I wound up poking around Green Emperor Way at noon and getting nowhere, and ultimately resorting to Tar-Meena, who gives you hints - with a mandatory 24-hour wait per hint.

After getting all the hints, the game finally give you a compass marker, and by god I can't believe I had to coax a compass marker out of THIS game.

And oh look, this thing has a map of Cyrodiil and a rising sun. Just wait for the right time, and...

Vague sun symbol marks the spot! That's our next dungeon.

Time for our serious gear, then. Onward to progress!

Onward to glory!

Onward to whatthehellisthisthingonmycompass.


NOW I get it!